
Lecture at the EB1 of São Miguel de Poiares - 05th April 2022

Lecture at the EB1 of São Miguel de Poiares - 05th April 2022

  • Events

  • Quarta 06 Abril, 2022
  • 1844

The NATIVA Association, in collaboration with the Basic School of São Miguel de Poiares, organized on 5th April 2022, a set of lectures, presented by Eng.ª Bárbara Rodrigues, on "The importance of bees and the fighting against Vespa velutina". At the event, several approaches were also made on the same topic, since the lectures ranged from preschool to 4th grade. To see how it all went, see the photo gallery of the event, which we have prepared for you: Photo Gallery - Lectures at School ...Continue Reading

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NATIVA Association present at the Session "Opportunities and Challenges of Beekeeping"

NATIVA Association present at the Session "Opportunities and Challenges of Beekeeping"

  • Events

  • Sábado 26 Fevereiro, 2022
  • 1338

The NATIVA Association was present at the Session "Opportunities and Challenges of Beekeeping", which took place on February 26, 2022, in Arouca. The event, organized by Cooperativa Agrícola de Arouca, CRL, the Municipality of Arouca and FENAPÍCOLA (National Federation of Beekeeping and Honey Producers Cooperatives, FCRL), was attended by the association's president, Marco Portocarrero, who presented the theme "The problem of Vespa Velutina; Methods of prevention and methods of combat". See the event poster here: Event poster ...Continue Reading

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